BDI, Hyde Park House
5 Manfred Road, London SW15 2RS
United Kingdom
Tel 00 44 208 875 0200
Fax 00 44 208 874 3100

In association with Morlader Imports

Jaminator is a registered trademark of NoiseToys Inc


BORED with playing "Smoke On The Water" on yer Slazenger?

Too BUSY doing things you shouldn't as a teenager to learn an instrument?

And too DRUNK on a Saturday night to care about the neighbours?


You need a Jaminator, the ultimate Air Guitar. It lets you play lead guitar riffs on top of well-known songs. There are cartridges that store songs and riffs in ROMs, each cartridge contains five songs, a few digitized instruments, and dozens of riffs. The riffs are selected by holding down a fret button with your left hand and tapping one of the string buttons with your right hand. It will then play a lead guitar riff that is harmonious with the selected song. There are also drum pads and a small keyboard if you want to spread your talents around.

The note pitches are predetermined by the song as are the durations, but when they are triggered is up to the player. One can create some remarkably complex patterns by hopping between two riffs. We wanted to ensure that the user didn't feel like they simply and idiotically pushed a button every now and then. One thing we blew, though, was not having a balance control between the background music and the riffs; sometimes the solos get lost in the sauce.